Donald of Mars: Chapter 73, Show Time
A story on building a new colony on Mars and what it will take to live there
Donald sat the dumb bell down for this third and last show he had to do today. Hiding his grimace, he faced the camera and said, “Remember, Donald’s Dojo is only open for the morning Tai Chi class and the evening yoga class at the moment. Slots are limited for those, so make your appointment. The rest of the Dojo should be open next week. Men and mixed during the day, and women only for evening work outs. We will be closed for third shift. Miray will be back later today to guide you through your yoga set. Hope you tune in for it.”
The screen beyond their outgoing camera froze, and their new logo appeared.
Donald straightened from the stance he’d taken to say in frame since the camera had stopped following his movement halfway through the take.
Miray giggled. “I’m on it. But he told me last time, You’re going to have to part with more money and buy more top of the line second hand computers. Our network just won’t handle everything we are asking of it.” She picked up her phone from the stuff that had been sitting off camera.
He froze in place, then looked at her. “All right. Find out what is available that he wants to add and charge it to the shop.”
Donald didn’t like the man she had doing their network and AI programing. The man was a dick. But Miray had picked him exactly because he was enough of a dick, he would give her a discount if she put out for him. But being a dick didn’t stop him from being very good at what he did and someone who had been here over two years. Maybe it was time he and Mohammed found someone else to handle it.