Donald of Mars Episode 51-55
A story on building a new colony on Mars and what it will take to live there
Chapter 51 News Bad with the Good
“You’ve lost more than two kilos and some bone density,” said the bald and slightly overweight doc, a man Donald had met on the trip out. He was glad to see he too, had made the cut to say another term. The doctor he had been seeing hadn’t.
“That isn’t that bad, but isn’t the best either,” the doctor continued. “That weight suit and your running is great for fitness and your cardiovascular system. Those couldn’t be better, but it isn’t quite stressing your bones and muscles enough.”
“Damn. How much weight do I need to add to my suit?”
“If you have to go with adding, then at least twenty-five percent more.”
“Hmm, that’s quite a bit. That suit already is heavy.”
“Even that might not do it, though. What you need is at least one hour a day hard workout on the weight machine or even lifting dead weights. You need something that is pushing you to your peak for short times.”
Donald sighed. “Part of the reason for the show was to show people that they can keep in shape without a gym membership. If I start using gym equipment behind the scenes, then I am giving lie to that.”
“Then let the people know that they have to have home weights too if they are not going to be in a gym. Figure out the minimum sets a person needs and add using that set to the end of your Tai Chi workout. Show them how to get the most of them. It’s a good show, and I like the Tai Chi, but it, and your running, just isn’t taxing your skeleton and muscles enough. Fix that and let everyone know that they need to watch that, too. You will be doing yourself a favor and everyone watching you one. It needs to be full-body, and as taxing as you can make it for short spurs, if you are just doing it for under an hour. You are the expert in just which ones will do that.”
Donald picked up his shirt and started putting it on. “I will talk it over with a couple other exercise experts.”