Bob struggled to keep his voice calm and even. He addressed the older man sitting to his left at the small round table. “No, Baron White Edwardo, we will not adopt that system. You may adopt it within your own barony, but I will have nothing to do with it. We don’t need sixteen levels of free men and nine of slaves. The four King Peter created are all that the situation calls for. Barron, vassal, peasant, and slave,” he enumerated once more for White Eddy, as Jimmy had named the newest baron.
Bob turned to Red Don, the third man sitting at the round table. “You do have some points. Not all female slaves are whores, and there may be some need to set up some things to clarify which are what. But even that doesn’t need to be some law that all the Barons agree on. If you want hands-off, put some clothes on your slave. Still want her naked but want access restricted to only those with certain permission, then tie a damn waist cloth around her, indicating who.”
“Waist cloth?”
Bob sighed. “Just a large scarf tied around the waist, usually hanging down in front, covering things, not quite a loin cloth. We don’t need all the Barons using the same system by law. Each can damn well decide what they want to do on their own place. I have had enough of this nonsense. We have wasted the whole damn morning on one point of etiquette after another.” He stood. “I have things to do.”
White Eddie, his thick Philippine-English accent making him hard to understand, said, “Wait, we haven’t even discussed joint projects.”
“If they were not important enough to bring up before all that nonsense, then they are not important enough for me to bother with now.”
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